Author: Scott Lemieux
The ongoing Canadian election is fascinating from a political junkies standpoint, as it seems as if the reborn Conservative party could capture a plurality government, and it is unlikely that.
Via the incomparable Bob Somerby, this gem from Boston Globe typist Nina Easton on The Tweety Matthews Show ("complacent millionaire pundit values on a cable-access budget!"): EASTON: There is--there's no doubt that that's.
In one of the least surprising developments in legal history, the recent federal act criminalizing D&E abortions was struck down in federal courts. This was inevitable, because the law directly contradicted.
Elton Beard effectively sums up Tom Friedman's latest ad hoc theory. But what strikes me most about it is that he chooses an example that completely repudiates his thesis: Is Vladimir Putin's.
When it comes to pragmatic arguments about Nader, I basically don't see the point. That Gore would have won had Nader not run in 2000 is indisputable; trying to argue.
So here I am, the first syllable of the blogspot address...