Author: Scott Lemieux
Matt Yglesias has (justly) come under fire for his recent posts arguing against civil rights protections for gay people on the basis of conservertarian bromides that weren't persuasive when the Supreme.
Erik asks in the comments if Rehnquist's nature was known when Nixon appointed him. As it happens, John Dean wrote a good book on the subject. Essentially, Rehnquist was a last-minute.
One of the most amusing pathologies of wingnut cranks is their unyielding conviction that Hillary Clinton would be the Democratic nominee in 2004, despite the facts that 1)she repeatedly said.
About Obama, I have little to add to the blogger consensus; at least as it sounded on the radio, it was great. Ever the glutton for punishment, after Reagan's speech I watched.
This site's devoted readers (if any) will have noticed a relative absence of the ballast I usually provide to this blog, because of a trip to NYC to seek housing..
The best poll yet at the Rittenhouse Review: Who is worse, the more offensive, odious, or objectionable, and limit your thought process not to the inexplicably popular, "Mad About You?" Helen.
The grocery store I frequent most often has an ad for the egregious "Fox and Friends" on the mechanical cart. Apparently because it's not quite disingenuous enough, they abjure the "fair.
Roger Ailes recently pointed out an embarrassingly stupid op-ed piece by Wan Julliams, in which he complained about how the vacuous lip service with no changes in policy whatsoever offered.