Author: Scott Lemieux
Good evaluation of veep candidates at TAP online. The Gephardt critiques are nothing new, but show that the hostility isn't just limited to free traders. The Graham piece is a good one;.
Wonkette suggests a much more likely possibility than the "Hillary for Veep" being touted by Drudge. The problem with Drudge's argument, of course, is that it will be *Bill* Clinton who.
I'm surprised that Eugene Volokh is surprised that O'Connor and Breyer vote together 70% of the time, the 8th most common pairing on the court. Breyer--as was proved yet again in.
Admittedly, identifying the worst manifestation of a silly concept badly executed is a wearying, impossible exercise, so identifying the very worst "Kerryism" is as inherently futile as discerning the worst.
My predictions, based on the extremely reliable method of "half-assed guesses derived from thin research": Con 115 Lib 108 NDP 28 Bloq 55 IND 1 It's basically too close to.
In a way that was vaguely consistent with my earlier prediction, the Court refused to fully cede jurisdiction and give unlimited executive power to the presidency, but did so in a.
I lied earlier--Charles Pierce's comments at Altercation are highly necessary: I've made peace with the fact that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court once served the cause of white supremacy.
The fine folk at The Rittenhouse Review offer us a meaningful choice in this election year: the best ADA in Law & Order history. The answer, of course, is "Jill Hennessy." I.