Author: Scott Lemieux
My review of the revised edition of Mark Tushnet's The NAACP's Legal Strategy Against Segregated Education in the Law and Politics Book Review is now online. (Well, it beats "my.
Exhibit Z for Thad. To each their own, but from my perspective any unironic use of the phrase "they're not antiwar, just on the other side" provides dispostive evidence that.
So yesterday, as I mentioned, my flight was just cancelled, for no obvious reason. Today, my connecting flight out to Montreal was merely delayed by 4 hours, rendering it useless..
Who would you rather have to spend 15 minutes with, Helaine Olen or "Ivan Tribble"?Obviously, this is a choice too horrifying to have to contemplate, like having to choose between.
Wow, the Yankees sure were smart to get Bernie Williams out of center field--otherwise, a routine single could get played into an inside-the-park homer!Hopefully the Yankees will continue to ignore.
Jonathan Chait is, of course, correct that stopping Robert Bork's appointment to the Supreme Court is something for which Democrats can be extremely proud, as his subsequent writings make very.
Apparently the ratings for Tucker Carlson's heavily promoted, unwatchable MSNBC wankfest started off badly and got steadily worse. I'm sure this won't persuade any network execs that there are any.
Not that I can actually celebrate any person's injury, but a fine day for Yankee-haters. Chien-Ming Wang "Computers" is going on the DL, possibly out for the season, on the.