Author: Scott Lemieux
Mithras and iocaste easily dispose of the mind-numbing illogic of apologists for the tube shooting.
The snazzily re-designed Prof. B offers a definitive post on the "nice guys" subject. I cannot, however, decide if I am better situated as #2 or #3.I can also offer.
Mark Graber has a useful summary.
I am going to a family function in lovely Saskatchewan this weekend. Among other things, this will mean that I will be asked many times something along the lines of.
In response to the discussion thread in the post below, a couple points: I continue to believe that any justice Bush could plausibly nominate--which obviously includes Roberts--should be filibustered, simply.
According to CNN.Profile here. To put it in crude terms, he seems in between Clement and Jones on the continuum of the midst of a dinner party, but Nathan.
SCOTUS nominee to be announced at 9 ET.For info on Edith Clement, see here and here. If it is Clement, I don't think a filibuster is likely. The fact that.
In a pleasant surprise, apparently I will be going to see Willie Nelson--who I have never seen before--tonight. Plus Kathleen Edwards opening. Seems pretty promising, all things considered...