Author: Scott Lemieux
Timothy Burke is upset that Amanda Marcotte called arguments made by people like Benjamin Wittes that pro-choicers should "let go" of Roe "horseshit." Whether or not one likes Amanda's choice.
I have been remiss in noting that, while I was on vacation, Bill Haltom and Michael McCann's book Distorting the Law won APSA's Pritchett Award for the best book published.
Some classic DLC logic in Marshall Wittmann's post about a potential Gore candidacy:It is quite likely that a President Gore would have come to blows with Saddam in the aftermath.
I fear will going to see more of the type of argument made by Ted Rall:In a sick way, the end of Roe v. Wade may turn out to be.
I have even more to confess than Roxanne--I can say with neither pride nor shame that I've never read even a page of Harry Potter, nor seen a a minute.
Yglesias articulates something that is crucial in trying to assess candidates for 2008:This, to me, is the big problem with the Clinton for President stampede. There's something to be said.
A terrific post by Jim Henley stating concisely the most obvious problem with using the framework of "states' rights." This language not only does not appear in the constitution, but.
Mithras and iocaste easily dispose of the mind-numbing illogic of apologists for the tube shooting.