Author: Scott Lemieux
As depressing as this lawsuit on behalf of frozen embryos is, the thread provoked at least two classic comments.Gen. J.C. Christian:I adopted an Blastocyst-American. His name was Bob. I write.
As part of the Celebrate Brooklyn Festival, the Australian singer-songwriter Kasey Chambers played a free concert last night; since I missed her when she was on tour, I was happy.
Mark Schmitt is, as usual, dead right about David Sirota's call to excommunicate pro-Cafta Democrats: As for the specific case of CAFTA, I agree with Sirota that the right vote.
Shakespeare's Sister reacts with a limited degree of optimism about the news that Roberts worked hard for his clients' interests in the landmark gay rights case Romer v. Evans. One.
MSNBC President Rick Kaplan has a new plan for his stillborn show Tough Crowd With Tucker Carlson. In July, Carlson's unwatchable, heavily promoted wankfest ranked as the #37 cable news.
Ann Althouse's critique of Pajamas Media--the blog advertising and wingnut news aggregation company being run by Glenn Reynolds, Roger L. Simon, Charles Johnson, Assrocket, Hugh Hewitt, Chuck Norris and Johnny.
For people who don't believe in nanny-state regulation of consensual sexuality in all its forms, there can only be one priority: get Republicans out of office. Take the nominally "pro-choice".
I'm not sure that I agree with Norbizness' claim that this list (1, 2) reflects East Coast Bias really holds water. While this has certainly historically been the case (although.