Author: Scott Lemieux
Apologist for racism and enthusiastic supporter of stripping people of property and liberty without due process or individualized suspicion based on their ethnicity Michelle Malkin touts this genuinely loathsome op-ed.
This is a rather brilliant post and I won't try to summarize it, but I was struck by the way Matt plainly stated something that is obvious and yet rarely.
Benjamin Greenberg has an excellent post on John Roberts and Republican attempts to gut the VRA.The importance of federal enforcement of these rules cannot be overstated. When LBJ pushed the.
s.z finds Scenes From a Mall auteur Roger L. Simon defending Charles Johnson in a post replete with egregious howlers.
Via Edroso, Ann Althouse (DHing for Instapundit) sez:IF YOU SMOKE AND DIE OF CANCER, every obituary will take advantage of your death as an opportunity to remind the living to.
Mithras' generally funny "taxonomy of conservative blogs" has generated a great deal of commentary (30 trackbacks and still going strong), much of it centered on his comments about Michelle Malkin..
As part of the Celebrate Brooklyn Festival, the Australian singer-songwriter Kasey Chambers played a free concert last night; since I missed her when she was on tour, I was happy.
This brief post at the "centrist" blog Donklephant makes two glaring errors with respect to the recent Kelo decision which seem to be quite common: Gardner's claim that Kelo "broadened".