Author: Scott Lemieux
Chris Penn passed away last night.
I am on the record of being highly skeptical of Robert Casey Jr.'s claims to be a staunch progressive who happens to be extremely reactionary on women's rights, but I.
NYU has fir..., er, "terminated the fellowships" of striking TAs. (I'm not sure why they're being terminated; after all, they're not employees, so presumably their strike cannot affect undergraduate teaching.
Digby nails the ongoing kabuki of Roe's opponents perfectly:That woman who believes that abortion is the killing of babies with knives is one slick political operator. She knows that this.
Looks like a Conservative minority--suboptimal, but I can live with if it's a majority minority....CBC (on C-SPAN now) calls a Tory minority.
I was planning to write a post ripping apart Stephen Bainbridge's latest entry in the "the underrepresentation of conservatives in academia must be due to discrimination and not self-selection, although.
It's the anniversary of Roe v. Wade today, and Jessica has put together Blog for Choice day. As a result, there have been many first-rate celebrations and eulogies for Roe..
Lord Saletan address the masses on the subject of abortion, with an op-ed predicated on a dismayingly predictable howler:If you support abortion rights, this idea may strike you as nuts..