Author: Scott Lemieux
For those who miss my sparking prose and universally interesting topics, Michael Berube and I have a preview of the NHL playoffs over at his place. One cool thing about.
In Chicago conferencing; blogging from my end will be intermittent over the next two days.
The story of Kansas Attorney General Phil Kline's attempt to rifle through the health and sexual records of adolescent girls has been rebuffed once again in U.S. District Court; Lizardbreath.
Ah, that's more like it. As is generally the case when not writing about John McCain (which, alas, I may have to come back to for another round) or Iraq,.
USA Today has a handy-dandy chart showing what a post-Roe landscape would look like. As you can see, despite disingenuous claims that overturning Roe is no big deal, roughly 200.
Great.Nice to see Pedro get #200 last night. (Oddly, it's the second time I've seen a pitcher named "Martinez" win his 200th win live; I saw Dennis' in Florida in.
In the Vodkapundit thread cited by Belle, I believe we have (4/7 6:39 AM) the definitive example of the wankosphere's vast strategic acumen:With respect to what else....Every play Civilization?I think.
Via Henry comes the good news that Jacob Levy is back to at least intermittent blogging, with a definitive take on the Mearsheimer/Walt controversy. Levy notes that "Mearsheimer and Walt.