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Author: Scott Lemieux

PoliSci, the Courts, and the ACA

In General
On November 23, 2011
Michael Bailey and Forest Maltzman have a piece up at the Prospect arguing that the best political science modelling suggests that the Supreme Court will uphold the ACA. I don't necessarily disagree with their conclusion, but I'm skeptical about some aspects of their specific argument....

A Few Links

On November 22, 2011

That's it; I will never again be convinced of Joe Paterno's Profound Morality.  Or, for that matter, ever before. Jerry Sandusky's Sixth Amendment claim continues to get support. Hacked emails.

The Third Force!

In General
On November 22, 2011
It's an appropriately dopey punchline to a Bobo column that actually argues that the Republican and "Democrat"* parties are equally monolithic. The guy makes a healthy salary to discuss politics and he's apparently never heard of Ben Nelson... *Yup, Bobo is now reduced to using...

Pepper Spray

In General
On November 21, 2011
When I called it torture, I meant it. Imagine being sprayed with a concentrated dose of something more than ten times hotter than a habanero pepper, or nearly 1000 times hotter than a jalapeno pepper. Hence: We were never warned that we were going to...


On November 20, 2011

Right: Police dressed in riot gear at U.C. Davis on Friday afternoon used pepper spray to clear seated protesters from the university quad where they had set up a small.

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