Author: Robert Farley
Juan Cole points out what should be obvious to everyone; that Iran is seeking, and is likely to acquire, a great deal of influence in the new Iraq. Some people like.
Matt Yglesias, Kevin Drum, and Jesse Taylor have talked this to death. . . Here in Seattle, we have two major newspapers. The P-I is a middle of the road moderate newspaper,.
Matthew Yglesias distills some of the discussion on the torture memo. Obviously, this is troubling for two reasons. First, the administration is apparently doing its darndest to figure out how to.
NYT fronts an article regarding nine Iraqi militia groups that have agreed to disband and help form new Iraqi security forces. Juan Cole is properly skeptical, noting the number of deals already struck to.
I tried to come up with a response to Chris Hitchens this morning, and I just couldn't. He's not the sort that I would welcome back to our side. I'm sure, for.
Here's to hoping that someone asks George Bush "Mr. President, do you agree with the platform of your party in your home state?" Make sure to check out Kevin Drum's discussion. Here.
After some controversial posts, I thought I would go with this. Griffey hit 496 yesterday, 497 and 498 today. It's remarkable that, even after losing two and a half seasons.
Hmm. Anything good about the Reagan legacy? We can say that he probably wasn't dumb enough to actually believe in supply-side economics. He understood the political value of tax cuts,.