Author: Robert Farley
Via Juan Cole, it's clear that someone gets it: In a speech Tuesday at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Kennedy, D-Mass., said North Korea and Iran have continued unchecked with.
From John Judis, currently operating out of Talking Points Memo: Bremer's economic program wasn't confined to selling off state enterprises. Bremer saw privatization as part of the broader conservative economic agenda.
First, read this post. Now, tell me what an Islamo-fascist is. I'm waiting. I don't have all day. . . Actually, that wasn't true. I do have all day. . ..
GREAT interview between Moore and Katie Couric, see it here, Atrios has a partial transcript. I also have mixed feelings about Moore. I've only seen The Big One, and I really didn't care.
A couple months ago, the Washington Post had a story (which I can't find) about young applicants for Heritage Foundation internships finding themselves in the far more exciting field of.
Read this excellent essay on French torture in Algeria. You'll need to watch an ad in order to get to it. I've always been a little bit twitchy about torture; it.
Instapundit and Andrew Sullivan both think that Muqtada Al-Sadr's retreat and expressions of approval for the new government are a victory for the administration. That is certainly a point of view..
Cruising the blogosphere, checking out the reaction to the 9/11 report. . . Tacitus has a measured response. He acknowledges that Dick Cheney is a damned liar, but notes that.