Author: Robert Farley
Some more thoughts on the Tariff Weekend: In a year, we’ll have a better perspective on what’s going on with the Trump administration’s tariff policy. We may eventually find out whether.
Here's part II our our "A Good Neighborhood Requires Good Neighbors" series.... Some Canada facts: Canada has 41 million people, making it slightly more populous than California and just.
Every couple of years it becomes unfortunately appropriate to revisit this post... Have updated with the relevant stats and updated to the contemporary geopolitical situation. Notwithstanding the claims of the.
And on the lighter side of the news, Trump reinvigorates the Littoral Combat Ship project by creating vast swaths of newly hostile littoral... Whether planned or not, the US Navy.
Russia is a mafia state, and it's appropriate that Russia is fueling its war like a drug cartel: We can take two lessons from this story. The first is that.
Long time readers will recall that I’ve made an annual tradition of pitching this community on what I do for a day job. If you recollect previous posts and know.
Last week Scott and I sat down with friend-of-the-blog Chris Koski to talk through what we now know about what happened in November. We worked through what data exists about.
I almost forgot that I wrote something earlier this week on the (lack of) wisdom of reappropriating the Panama Canal: More broadly, the relative quiet that the United States has.