Author: Paul Campos
In more ordinary times this would be a very big scandal indeed, but the Bush administration has made flagrant lawbreaking at the highest levels of government very much a dog.
Press release this morning from the McCain campaign:For Immediate ReleaseContact: Press OfficeMonday, July 28, 2008703-650-5550ARLINGTON, VA -- Today, Chief Warrant Officer (4th class) Michael J. Durant (Ret.) issued the following.
He would be Todd Jones, i.e., he would(1) Inexplicably be handed a series of very important high-paying jobs; where he would(2) Suck at them; yet(3) Continue to get promoted; thereby.
As Jack Balkin points out, for both "legal" and "political" reasons it's unlikely that any U.S. court will prosecute war crimes committed by members of the Bush administration. This circumstance.
A surprising development (to me at least) has been the mass media's recent rehabilitation of Tommie Smith and John Carlos. The same cultural institutions that almost universally excoriated the two.
If you've never seen Joy Nash's awesome Fat Rant you should do so soon.
Nicholas Carr asks Is Google Making Us Stupid?" (I started reading this but got bored so I don't know the answer).I do know that Google is the single greatest invention.
James Q. Whitman has an interesting new book about the development of the concept of reasonable doubt in the Anglo-American legal system. An odd feature of that system is its.