Author: Paul Campos
A top government research scientist I know has a theory about the "obesity epidemic." Dr. X isn't allowed to speak on the record to the media about X's work without.
I've just read Cormac McCarthy's The Road, which Robert Farley reviewed on LGM back when it was published a couple of years ago. I hadn't read anything by McCarthy before,.
Press release this morning from the McCain campaign:For Immediate ReleaseContact: Press OfficeMonday, July 28, 2008703-650-5550ARLINGTON, VA -- Today, Chief Warrant Officer (4th class) Michael J. Durant (Ret.) issued the following.
While engaging in quasi-fascist workout regimen on foreign soil.Via the Straight Talk Express.
As Jack Balkin points out, for both "legal" and "political" reasons it's unlikely that any U.S. court will prosecute war crimes committed by members of the Bush administration. This circumstance.
As I've noted elsewhere, right-wing media hacks sound more and more like old guys in bars using tired pickup lines, and nobody sounds more torn and frayed than America's leading.
If you've never seen Joy Nash's awesome Fat Rant you should do so soon.
Just got this breathless press release from the McCain campaign:BARACK OBAMA SAID IT!: "There's No Doubt That General Petraeus Does Not Want A Timetable"Barack ObamaMedia AvailabilityAmman, JordanJuly 22, 2008Barack Obama:.