Author: Katie Surrence
Perhaps unsurprisingly, I endorse every word of George Makari’s New York Times op-ed, written in response to reporting on a trial of integrated care for first-episode psychosis. Integrated care included.
Currently topping the leaderboard for whitest rich dude statement: “My dogs get mani-pedis; I don’t”. But it’s a competitive field— Pinboard (@Pinboard) November 12, 2015 Via Ben at Unfogged, Pinboard.
Ed Yong provides a useful corrective to some of the media reports about the new WHO classification of processed meats and red meats in the same carcinogenic risk category as.
I haven't written about theater here for a long time. Let me rectify that, especially since one of the shows I recently saw was obscure enough that you probably won't.
The Open Science Collaboration's attempt at replicating 100 findings from cognitive and social psychology is up, and the headline finding is that only 36% of them succeeded, using the criterion.
When I wrote about Inside Out I mentioned that I wasn't a fan of basic emotions theories, and felt a bit sniffy about Riley's limited repertoire. Now an approach I'm.
When I was in grad school, a very pompous male guest speaker came to my mostly female lab and at one point decided, apropos of absolutely nothing, to launch into.
This post contains spoilers for Inside Out. Inside Out was charming and I cried and everything, but what is really sticking with me is what I found unsatisfying. Among the.