Author: Erik Loomis
So I was really curious who Trump would name as Secretary of Labor. There was all that bullshit from Trump and Vance and a few others like Hawley, claiming to.
I've long wondered about these institutions popular in the West that define themselves as some sort of nostalgic pre-Mao China providing The Real Thing to the Whites. Like, what exactly.
This is the grave of Emma Lazarus. Born in 1849 in New York City, Lazarus grew up in a wealthy Jewish family. Her father Moses was a big merchant in.
So, writing on this website has led to a lot of good things in my life, from providing the material for my books to getting recognition as a labor historian..
This is the grave of Andy Warhol. Let's just get it out of the way up front--I really do not like Andy Warhol. I don't like his art, I don't.
I recently watched Nicholas Spitzer's 1984 film Zydeco, an hour long documentary about the zydeco scene in southwestern Louisiana, with lots of great material. People such as Bois Sec Ardoin.
There is going to be nothing more ironic than Matt Fucking Gaetz enforcing the Comstock Act, but that's the plan. Antiabortion advocates are moving aggressively in the wake of the election.
When I was in Albuquerque in the 2000s, the so-called Minutemen developed. As you may recall, this was a bunch of asshole yahoos in big trucks patrolling the border to.