Author: Erik Loomis
Rutgers, setting an example for universities everywhere: Rutgers University forgave $100,000 of the football coach’s interest-free home loan last year. The women’s basketball coach got monthly golf and car allowances..
What on earth has happened to the Atlantic? It's become embarrassing, especially considering the century and a half of great authors who have published there. It still occasionally publishes some.
The movement to fight against SOPA and PIPA, bills that would destroy much of what the internet is good for, is winning. When Marco Rubio and John Cornyn back away.
A couple of beverage-related stories this morning. 1. If you didn't oppose fracking the Marcellus Shale before, let the Post provide some really strong evidence while you should: there is.
Last week, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka addressed the United Nations Investor Summit on Climate Risk. He made a couple of important points. First: And to those who say climate risk.
Irrelevant Jon Huntsman dropping out. Every progressive blog and twitter feed reporting incessantly. No one talking about Indiana right to work a person to death law. Politics as entertainment far.
A new survey of the world's most deadly cities show that the top 33 are in the Americas, with the vast majority along the drug highway in North America and.
1. North Carolina call center workers are organizing with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Sitel treats their employees like early 20th century sweatshop workers, with the classic bathroom problem.