Author: Erik Loomis
Forgive the absence, I was at a conference in Madison which was a great time made greater by an unexpected trip up to Stevens Point along the Wisconsin River yesterday..
Lewis L. Gould, eminent historian of the Progressive Era presidency, has a new 73-page biography of Theodore Roosevelt. While one might legitimately ask whether we need another biography of the.
I love Rand Paul. He's like his father, but with even fewer principles. This Paul speech about oil companies on the Senate floor is classic: Instead of punishing them, you.
As I wrote recent my piece on tipped labor, I did a little historical research on tipping. For the sake of length, I had to cut the history out of.
Building off Tim Wise, I have to wonder if the next frontier in racist white backlash against Trayvon Martin will be to accuse him of threatening a white woman, placing.
The 9-pound Gambian rat has invaded the Florida Keys, having been released there by an exotic animal breeder about 10 years ago. They are thriving, one of many species that.
I think I speak for everyone at LGM when I say this about the new season of Mad Men: OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! 3 hours and 18 minutes.
On March 25, 1911, 146 workers at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City died when the building in which they worked caught on fire. One of the most.