Author: Erik Loomis
It is with great sadness that I have to write this obituary for the great Alaskan songwriter Buddy Tabor. It was only with my link to his song "3 Strikes.
Good Washington Post piece on the dilemma Ohio faces over fracking. People really want jobs. Cities like Canton, Youngstown, and Toledo are suffering. Long-term deindustrialization exacerbated by factory closures since.
22 Democratic Senators are calling for a marriage equality plank in this year's Democratic Party platform. Can you imagine such a thing even 4 years ago? Or 8? 20 years.
Gordon Lafer has an important piece in Radical Philosophy exploring 2011's widespread attack on working-class and union rights in so many states. Lafer rounds up the massive damage done to.
This seems a good time to post this song by the great and utterly unknown songwriter Buddy Tabor, who paints houses in Juneau and writes amazing songs. This is not.
There's been a lot of discussion lately about tipping culture and the awfulness of it all. It gives customers tremendous power over the people who wait on them, often dooming.
Alyssa Rosenberg, who is pretty great herself, has been pushing the story of absurd gender disparities at major magazines, noting that, with a few exceptions like Mother Jones, men dominate.
A little French film from circa 1907 to help you have the most pleasant dreams this evening. No nightmares at all to be had tonight. Nope. None.