Author: Erik Loomis
Here's Tom Russell providing something a bit more meaningful than the cheap patriotism we usually see on this day (and have seen all day from the NFL).
Arizona is a national joke. Say what you will about whatever southern state you don't like, Arizona matches them all for extremism, hate, and corruption. Have to give it credit.
Alyssa Rosenberg leads us to discussions of a Casablanca sequel: The New York Post is reporting that there's some momentum behind a decades-old script treatment for a follow-up by one.
Exhibit A: Florida Exhibit B: Ohio
Barack Obama won Cuban-Americans in Florida, 49-47.
What a night. I'll have a full post about this later today, but the success of the marriage equality ballot measures in Maryland, Washington, and Maine and the rejection of.
Well, there's probably a lot of media low points. But at least twice, John King (URI grad as is, oddly, Christiane Amanpour) tried to delegitimize Obama's victory by switching from.
[SL]: I don't always watch Fox News. But when I do, it's after MSNBC has called the tipping point state. ...[SL] Karl Rove is complaining that the election was prematurely.