Author: Erik Loomis
The Obama Administration needs to let Colorado and Washington have their legal marijuana. Just let it go. The Obama Administration has pretty much let the DEA do what it wants.
This is a fascinating piece on Ken Gonzales-Day, the artist and author who explores the history of lynching in the American West. We usually think of lynching as something that.
On December 6, 1865, the legislature of Georgia ratified the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, ending slavery. Arguably, the single most important event in the history of American labor, the.
If cigarettes are good for birds, it must make sense that they are good for humans too, right? I wonder if there's a way we can impart this knowledge to.
On this date in 1933, the 21st Amendment was ratified, repealing Prohibition, otherwise known as the stupidest law in American history. The state that put the 21st Amendment over the.
On all fronts, the Republicans are making remarkable progress in building a coalition that will appeal to people who aren't old and white. 1. John Sununu dismissing Obama's victory as.
Another great one is gone.
Thank God (thank HIM!!!!!!!) for Georgia Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers, who is willing to stand up against Satan's grand strategy to use his minions (the United Nations) to destroy.