Author: djw
I've made the from the left pro-draft arguments on numerous occasions in the last year or so. Mostly, I've done it with students, especially in my Intro to Poli Sci.
Via Crooked Timber I learn of a plagiarist suing a university for not explaining to him that plagiarism is wrong. His defense seems to be that since he wasn't caught early.
Kevin Drum with an excellent post on Oil. Upshot: Prices are going up. Fluctuations aside, they're not going back down. Depending on who you ask, production has peaked in the last.
I should make clear that I don't consider those who gamble on political events to have any special insights, as dsquared at crooked timber has demonstrated. In general the numbers.
Despite my first post here, I don't plan to use this blog to engage in handwringing about past failings on my part. I'll comment on blogs and politics, like my.
Welcome to our blog. More on who we are and what we're up to soon, if we feel like it. I can't imagine how you found or why you're reading.
Ahem... UPDATE: