Author: davenoon
I started blogging on a lark back in March 2005, mostly out of an interest in doing some non-professional (or unprofessional, if you prefer) writing; within a few weeks, more.
The latest and among the more annoying nutritionist fads--the gluten-free diet--is taking a bit of a hit this week, as folks are beginning to look at a study published last.
This story is fantastic in every possible way: A ghost ship carrying nothing but disease-ridden rats could be about to make land on Britain’s shore, experts have warned. The Lyubov.
The menace of political correctness continues in the Age of Obama. Apparently, Microraptor and and Archaeopteryx were also black, or partly black. This is some bullshit. Fucking Microraptor didn't even.
The ignorant hayseeds at White American History Month -- currently working their way through a bout of masturbatory frenzy over Nelson Mandela's death -- spent some time yesterday celebrating the.
Wonderful."The HPV vaccine is considered a life-saving cancer preventer, but is it a potentially deadly dose for girls?" This was the promo for Wednesday's episode of Katie, Katie Couric's daytime.
Oh, for fuck's sake:Abraham Lincoln, a Democrat? So says a plaque at a public university in Lincoln’s home state of Illinois, where, since 1905, students at Northeastern Illinois University in.
American Orientalism is alive in Southern California, where Coachella Valley High School has really outdone itself: The current mascot is based on an "angry Arab" design unveiled in the 1950s..