Author: Christa Blackmon
In honor of the British General Election yesterday (pause for laughter), I bring you something a little different this week. A little trip into quirky British political culture where absolute.
Late Saturday night, three men executed a coordinated attack.
Over the bank holiday, or what you Yanks celebrate as Memorial Day, it was National Biscuit Day. It was on this day that I made an important discovery. Cookie Monster.
Damn fine coffee! The owls are not what they seem! That gum you like is going to come back in style! We're going to do things a little differently this.
Living here in the UK, this is the closest I have ever physically been to a terrorist attack. I've never visited Manchester and so much of Europe still feels like.
Yesterday Chris Cornell committed suicide at the age of 52. It is indeed a very sad day for rock music. We've lost not only a singular voice, but also many.
On Monday of this week, new allegations about the egregious human rights abuses of the Syrian government's.
Last week I explored the linguistic value of short moving images (aka gifs) to express an emotional.