Author: Charli Carpenter
This nerdtacular snapshot (Starbuck and Starbuck in Starbucks) is making the rounds again today. For original context see comments thread here. H/T Sang Ngo.
What office hours can be like (a painfully humorous diversion from grading for academic readers and contributors). H/T to Stacie Goddard and Tom Burke. via
Material like this post from GSGF on the Foreign Policy site. Not because I agree with Courtney Messerschmidt's take on OBL... nope. And not at all convinced she speaks "for.
Someone recently asked me whether, in the wake of the Richard Goldstone's qualifications of his infamous report, the UN was losing its credibility to issue fact-finding studies on humanitarian law.
"I do too know what a pay-phone is! That's one of those booths in the library where you can pay to go in and use your cell-phone, right?" Let's face.
When Twitter began exploding last Sunday night in the run-up to Obama's big speech, one of the first things I did was set the tweet-harvester my husband has invented to.
Though it's political significance has since been overshadowed by recent events, Lara Logan gave a remarkable interview on 60 Minutes last night about her assault during the Egyptian revolution. This.
10:17 POTUS will be addressing the nation at 10:30 tonight unexpectedly; no official word on what his announcement is about. 10:34 Latest from Twitter: RT @jacksonjk: House Intelligence committee aide.