Author: Charli Carpenter
A few weeks back I wrote my co-bloggers, regretfully: Effective May 30, I need to go on hiatus. I have just accepted a position as Graduate Program Director in my.
Is it possible for a human to give birth to a goat? (more…)
Like Robert Haddick, though for different reasons, I was glad to see a State Department spokesperson publicly issue the legal justification for the manner in which the OBL raid was.
This should be interesting.
The Economist: We've asked the Palestinians to lay down their arms. We've told them their lack of a state is their own fault; if only they would embrace non-violence, a.
How can any animal be a vegetarian if it itself is made of meat? (more…)
According to Kevin Poulsen at Wired, the reconstituted Wikileaks now requires its employees to sign a confidentiality agreement that includes a $20 million penalty for disclosing internal Wikileaks documents. Why?.