Author: vacuumslayer
I've always had a love/hate relationship with the phrase "guilty pleasure." On the one hand, I'm fairly uncomfortable with people actually feeling guilty about liking things that give them pleasure..
LGM: Platinum Edition Well, it's official: I'm official. I'm now a rich and famous artist and can bid all you chumps adieu. But it's not all cocaine and hookers for.
This might be the most amazing article I've ever read:… — Ezra Klein (@ezraklein) May 28, 2013 I'm not sure "amazing" is the right word. "Bizarre" is what springs.
Someone from the LGM commentariat sent me this. And now you have to look at it. Happy Memorial Day.
Via BJ. Sometimes I feel like the entire world is punking me.
A little addendum to my earlier post... First off, just wanted to thank everyone for their comments. Even the ones that made me want to have crazy, uninhibited screwdriver-eyesocket sex.
Since I'm the biggest no-life-having-jagoff of the authors here, I was wondering if you all wanted share your Google Sepuku stories with everyone on the internet. Well, sort of. I'm.
The inter-movement fights of the skeptic world, like geek gate-keeping in the geek world, is something I keep tabs on from afar. Though I am an atheist, a skeptic and--I.