Author: [email protected]
The Supreme Court today held 5-4 that Guantanamo detainees have a right to habeas corpus and that the procedures that Congress put into place with the Detainee Treatment Act (DTA).
The Obama monkey doll is out.Really.(via)
Fire-thrower Linda Hirshman has a piece in the Washington Post today in which she bemoans feminism's (newfound?) focus on intersectionality. She writes:So what keeps the movement from realizing its demographic.
....that in order to avoid total insanity due to the tedium and pure mind-numbing boringness that is bar review, I may have to write a tragic opera about BarBri. Libretto.
See, e.g.(via Pandagon)
The other day I posted about banks' decisions to stop providing loans to college students at "non-elite" universities and college. I suggested that it is decisions like these that help.
This sounds like something from a dystopian movie or novel (a la Children of Men). And yet, somehow, our country may be managing to compete with even the bleakest that.
Is this how some (many?) men see labor?