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Author: admin

Who Funded This?

On June 2, 2005

Am I the only one who finds this Swiss study scary? Swiss researchers have discovered that doses of a natural hormone increases trust between humans, including trust in other people.

More Bobo

On June 2, 2005

In my disgust for David Brooks' editorial that I blogged about earlier, something exacerbated by my exhaustion at the end of the day, I forgot to mention this choice comment:"It.

The Campaign Against Secularism

In General
On June 2, 2005
Thanks to the LGM crew for inviting me to guest blog, it's a privilege. I'll do my best to uphold their standards of propriety and civilized discourse while they're in Las Vegas attending to professional responsibilities, and where right about now Rob is probably just...

The Patriot Act

On June 2, 2005

As far as I'm concerned, the best thing about the revelation of Deep Throat's identity is that we get to consider once again what a crook Richard Milhous Nixon was..

It's one thing when you hear it from commenters at the Corner, but when it reaches out to actual published columnists, you just have to wonder how it is that the Right ends up criticizing liberals for "moral relativism":`Deep Throat,' Tripp both have stuff of...

Bobo the Bozo

On June 2, 2005

First, let me thank Rob, Dave, and Scott for asking me to guest blog and throw out a howdy to my fellow guest bloggers, Matt and Iocaste.David Brooks is just.

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