Author: Scott Lemieux
Professer Reynolds, in the midst of one of several apologias for a Michelle Malkin doorstop defending explicitly, undeniably racist internment policies, claims that some photoshop satires of the book are "frankly.
I'm glad that Media Matters has posted the best clip from O'Reilly and Krugman's joint appearance on the CNBC Russert Show. Being extremely ill, I actually watched the whole thing, and.
A terrific post at TalkLeft, discussing a Red Cross report that--if the charges contained within it are ultimately proven to be true--would mean that war crimes were committed at Guantanamo. One.
Anderson v. King Sims--the case discussed by Dave below--can be read in its entirety here. It's actually worth reading. It's lucid and relatively short. Progressives should familiarize themselves with this and.
It would be difficult to imagine a movie from a major filmmaker sounding worse that Spike Lee's latest joint, She Hate Me. The centerpiece of the film apparently involves a.
Matt Yglesias has (justly) come under fire for his recent posts arguing against civil rights protections for gay people on the basis of conservertarian bromides that weren't persuasive when the Supreme Court.
Matt Yglesias has (justly) come under fire for his recent posts arguing against civil rights protections for gay people on the basis of conservertarian bromides that weren't persuasive when the Supreme.
Erik asks in the comments if Rehnquist's nature was known when Nixon appointed him. As it happens, John Dean wrote a good book on the subject. Essentially, Rehnquist was a last-minute.