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Considering that the ritual repetition of lies is what made the GOP what it is today, I approve of Gov. Pence’s stratatatergery:

Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence encouraged activists in the Quad Cities to “tell your neighbors and friends” about the emails published by WikiLeaks after a hack of a Hillary Clinton campaign account. But the examples he gave of damaging, dynamite excerpts, offered less than his descriptions made it sound.

Shocking. And him a Christian man and all.

Referring to a speech Clinton gave to the National Multi-Housing Council in 2013, partially reprinted in an email to top Clinton staffers, Pence said the Democratic nominee was disgracing the memory of Abraham Lincoln.

I started to wonder what the hell he thinks the jackasses waving the Southern Losers’ flag  on his side of the fence are doing, but then I remembered IOKIYAR.

“She actually gave a speech in which she said, in order to be successful politically, you have to, quote, ‘have a public and private position,’ close quote, on the issues,” said Pence. “When she was asked about that in the debate on Sunday night, did you see that? We got a little bit of a lecture about Abraham Lincoln or something. I couldn’t follow it, either — I was like, ‘Huh? Where are we going with that?'”

To the White House, unlike the red dwarf Pence has hitched his wagon to.

In fact, while Donald Trump had mocked the Lincoln reference on Sunday night, the point Clinton was making in that speech was a reference to the 2012 film “Lincoln,” which at the time of the speech had just lost the Academy Award for Best Motion Picture.

So. Whatever. I guess Pence’s new twist on the old Republican gambit (lie) is that his lies have a definite Day 3 of boring leftovers feel. In addition to sullying the name of Lincoln with her dirty Democrat mouth, there’s the possible release of classified information that wasn’t about Osama bin dead for a while no thanks to Republicans Laden, and something emails, investigation, something emails, Zzzz.

But being boring won’t stop the faithful from repeating the latest set of fibs and feeling aggrieved when it doesn’t work and spending the next 4 years convinced that lying Hitlery Clinton shouldn’t have won. Which is why the Republican nominee in 2020 will be a 48 year old skinhead who just finished a 5 year stretch for selling meth to school kids.

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