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Orange is the new black


The front page of today’s Washington Post features an article about Obama voters who now support Trump.

They are Obama-Trump voters, and though the concept strikes many people in both parties as kind of weird, the people making those choices say they’re being quite consistent.

And if you can’t believe people who said they voted for Obama and are now voting for Trump, who can you believe? Aside from the giant singing mouse who lives behind the water heater.

Are these people as weird stupid as one would expect? No. It is not possible to set one’s expectations that high.

At Trump rallies and in interviews with Trump supporters, people who voted for Obama eight years ago are easy to find, if sometimes a bit sheepish about the choice they made back then.

“I guess I thought he’d try extra hard to make things right because he was the first black,” said Rodney Ouellette, 75, who owned a stationery store, a deli and a dry cleaner over the years and now repairs small appliances in Vernon, Conn. “I liked that he was different. But things just got worse.”

The reporter didn’t explore how Mr. Ouellette thought the first black could make things right. Perhaps it made less sense than voting for Obama and then voting for Trump. Perhaps this doctor has something sensible to say.

Timothy Moore, an oncologist in Columbus, Ohio, said that as a Democrat who was deeply disillusioned by President George W. Bush’s decision to go to war in Iraq, he initially perceived Obama as a breath of fresh air. “I bought into the hope and change business,” said Moore, 61 — but he was disappointed because Obama failed to “change the dynamic where the executive and legislative branches just haven’t worked together.”

Ha ha. Of course not. This is someone who is voting for Trump because he’s disappointed by Obama. And while Moore’s complaint is a common complaint by people in search of something to complain about and who aren’t ashamed to show their ignorance of pretty much everything, regarding Trump:

It bothers me that he doubles down every time he’s caught saying something wrong. But he’s not dangerous like some people say. Really, the president sets the tone, but he can’t do things by himself. He can’t nominate some wack job to the Supreme Court, because he has to get approval from the Senate.

Well, I’m not terribly surprised these people don’t listen to themselves, it’s obnoxious enough in two second bursts.

And then there’s Mr. V. Pechy.

“I’m fed up with the old, fat, white, gray-haired men who run things,” said Pechy, who is 56. “I’m white, but those guys are about entitlement, and Hillary falls right into that category, even though she’s not a man.”

Oh Gods, not entitlement! That’s why it’s important to vote for the old white man who was born with 96-piece set of silverware in his big fugly mouth.

Says man who is a year older than President Obama.

Oh well, at least Trump’s hair isn’t gray.

Trump’s tendency to insult people and make outrageous comments might make him a better president, Pechy figures. “Sure, he’s extreme sometimes,” he said, “but maybe that lets him get something done to bring in some jobs.” Pechy has heard the accusations that Trump is anti-Hispanic or anti-black or anti-immigrant, but “that’s probably exaggerated, just like what they say about Hillary is exaggerated,” he said.

(Except the entitlement thing, that’s 100% true.)

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