You Mean…Security Issues Can Be Used For Demagougery?
There’s something comforting in a way about reading the WSJ editorial page–neither rain nor sleet nor snow nor national security can prevent them from finding the union-busting angle in anything. But one problem with the print media is that your uncritical recitation of administration talking points can get stale very quickly:
Some of us are scratching our heads all right, but we’re wondering why Mr. Graham and others believe Dubai Ports World has been insufficiently vetted for the task at hand. So far, none of the critics have provided any evidence that the Administration hasn’t done its due diligence.
It is happens, I tend to agree with Glenn and Kevin that this isn’t a big deal. While the administration’s general approach to port security is scandalous, I’d have to say that while I guess it may be suboptimal I honestly doubt that giving a contract to the UAE company will have any significant impact on national security in itself. But it’s pretty funny to the WSJ shocked, shocked to discover that national security issues can be used for crude political purposes laced with demagogic xenophobia. Your petard, you hoist yourself upon it.