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The Hatted Hack Goes Snipe Hunting


Lawyers, Guns and Money has received a tip explaining a great unsolved mystery. Apparently, the ill-fated plane carrying Roberto Clemente which tragically crashed while trying to deliver relief supplies to Nicaragua was shot down by a SAM launched by Roger L. Simon. Studio head Apo Cryphal told Simon he would never work in Hollywood again if he didn’t carry out the plot. “I have five large on the Dodgers winning the pennant next year, and they’ll never be able to beat the Pirates in the playoffs with that damn Clemente in right field.” Now that bloggers have looked into this extraordinary and, if true, hugely important story, it will be interesting to see how and if the mainstream media follow up. NOTE: These rumors remain unconfirmed. We are also looking into tips that Simon was involved in the crash of the plane carrying Ronnie Van Zant.

Really, in light of this latest bout of paranoid kookdom–was the missile have supposed to have been fired from an American-hating crescent?–is there anything you can say about the standards and pretention -to-achievement ratio of the Pajamas Media crowd that wasn’t captured by the late, great Very, Very Happy years ago?

HERE’S AN INTERESTING POST by a guy named Steve from Des Moines. He highlights the direct connection between the modern Democratic Party and the National Socialist German Workers Party. Some incriminating stuff here. Of course, you wouldn’t know this if you only watched CNN…

posted at 05:43 PM by Glenn Reynolds

THE NEW YORK TIMES IS FULL OF SHIT because they quote unreliable sources and make things up.

posted at 05:17 PM by Glenn Reynolds

[Context: Reynolds really did think a blogger reporting an Al-Qaeda/Democratic Party connection was worth linking to.]

(Via Ailes.)

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