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Trump! ISIL! Sexy!


Video content warning – Lyrics are slightly more offensive than any Trump rally. To date. (Also, B. Geldof looking creepier than a roomful of Trump supporters. Brrr!)

T. Ronald Dump wants to know where all the Syrian women at.

Refugees from Syria “could be ISIS … and by the way, it is turning out that they probably are ISIS,” said Trump in Rock Hill, South Carolina. “There’s so many men, they’re so young, they are very strong. Where are the women? Where are the children?”

Young bucks! Strong like bear! Taking our t-bone steaks! And replacing them with Sharia!

And they don’t have any women-folk! And you know what that means!

One of the things that is so delightful about Le Donald is how well he demonstrates the fact that without logical fallacies and outright fibs, the GOP would be rendered mute. And the logical fallacy of choice is appeal to emotion (fear/anger). I’ve long thought the Republican establishment will stop messing about with sentences and adopt a Democracy! Whiskey! Sexy! form of communication that involves yelling words that encapsulate whatever they want the following to be upset about at the moment.

We have Hillary Clinton who wants to destroy and take your guns away from you, by the way. She wants to take your guns away.

Foreigners! Guns! CLINTON!!!!

Et pourquoi pas? It’s effective, efficient and would make the business of writing and giving speeches so much easier. And that would give everyone more time to roll around in the latest shipment of money from the rich assholes who are taking part in the GOP’s plutocracy by hire purchase program. Sexy!

(By the way – Will someone please alert Dr. C. Tingle? [Link may trigger your workplace’s naughty words filter.] He’s the only one I trust to explore the erotic potential of Donald Trump, that nicotine-stained thing that lives on his head and a gang of young, strong, Syrian sauropods. Thanks ever so.)


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