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Obama Tyranny Update



Among Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s many usurpations has been his use of the so-called “veto” power. In clear defiance of Article VIII of the Constitution, which clearly states that “the statutes passed by a Republican Congress shall become law of the land, notwithstanding any action by the President or language in Article I,” Obama has exercised his extraconstitutional, regal authority to an unprecedented extent. The latest chilling example:

Republicans knew the veto was coming — Obama promised to do it — and thus had plenty of time to prepare their incensed statements. “The president has vowed to veto it. Why? Because he wants to stop and spend more money on his domestic agenda,” House Speaker John Boehner said on Wednesday. “It’s time to put our troops first, time to stop playing political games.” Senator John McCain and Representative Mac Thornberry — chairs of the Senate and House Armed Services Committee — released a statement that called the veto “not only unprecedented, but it is reckless, cynical, and downright dangerous. Never before has an American president used the bill that provides pay and support to our troops and their families as political leverage for his domestic agenda.”

USA Today points out that Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton all vetoed annual defense budgets.

Not only did Obama invoke the imaginary “veto” power, he palpably wants terrorists to come and kill your children. This is the worst scandal since a player who took PERFORMANCE ENHANCING DRUGS was allowed to corrupt the nation by providing baseball commentary.

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