Bill Kristol Is Making Sense
Hey, when he’s right, he’s right!
Are we sure the GOP isn’t on course to nominating their very own Dukakis? Are we confident one of the current field is up to the job of winning—and governing?
No. No we certainly are not.
Now, from this rare accurate insight certainly proceeds some silliness. Some of his suggested alternatives:
Mitch Daniels was probably the most successful Republican governor of recent times, with federal executive experience to boot.
The idea of Mitch Daniels’s charisma parade entering the Republican race gives me a feeling of helpless fear.
Paul Ryan is the intellectual leader of Republicans in the House of Representatives, with national campaign experience.
Sadly, I think he means the former as a compliment and the latter as something other than disqualifying. Wrong, and wrong again.
The House also features young but tested leaders like Jim Jordan, Trey Gowdy and Mike Pompeo.
“Tested” doesn’t help much given the “failed.” Also, seriously, Trey Gowdy? [Insert Banghazi acrostic here.]
But all this is a sideshow. I present to you know the most correct thing that Bill Kristol will ever write:
And there are distinguished conservative leaders from outside politics; Justice Samuel Alito…
Let me be clear: I cannot possibly endorse this more strongly. Alito should run. He should be the nominee. The discussion should be over. And needless to say the ticket should be balanced with the nation’s most prominent African-American conservative. ALITO/THOMAS ’16! Make it happen.