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Monday Links and Observations

  • Erik said most of what needs to be said about this silly NYT thumbsucker.  Like Jamelle, though, I was particularly struck by the sentence “she is poised to retrace Barack Obama’s far narrower path to the presidency.”  On what planet were Barack Obama’s coalitions “more narrow” than Bill Clinton’s?  Is it his higher share of the popular vote?  Er, the much higher turnout?  Nope — it’s that hardy perennial, “white voters count more than other voters.”  This is both wrong and offensive before you get to the massive implausibility of the idea that Clinton would be able to win in West Virginia and Arkansas if she just campaigned there really hard, hard enough to make it 1996 again apparently.  (Cf. also that other favorite of American political discourse, “Durr, Al Gore couldn’t even win his own state [drools on self.]”)
  • As Jeff Sessions trenchantly notes, if Obama had wanted Obamacare to provide affordable health care to all Americans, he presumably would have mentioned that at some point, or perhaps even put it in the title of the legislation or something. (Relevant context.)
  • More of this, please.
  • I see that our conservative intellgentsia might be poised to move on from the most important question of out time — “Lena Dunham, hot or not?” — and move on to an equally important question, “Emma Sulkowicz, hot or not?”  To save you the trouble, the answer will always be “no,” expressed in the most misogynist way possible.  I would also assume that the conservative hacks in question spend most of their spare time doing model shoots for Italian fashion magazines.
  • I’m curious as to what will happen with this sad case. Intuitively, it certainly seems as if a psychic bilking someone out of $700K should be a serious criminal offense.   And, yet, it’s always a racket, but as far as I can tell it’s not illegal to sell people psychic readings or tarot readings or astrological readings or whatever.  Is it just that the frauds are tolerable at a low level but unacceptable beyond a certain level?  I honestly don’t know.
  • Speaking of lucrative grift, a Dayen must-read about Corinthian College.
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