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Is it Logically Impossible For Wingnut Lawsuits to Have Bad Consequences?


David Catron asserts that critics of ACA trooferism are being hysterical:

Now, they have resorted to claims so wild that even progressives will have trouble taking them seriously. Think Progress, for example, published a screed last week with the following title: “How King v. Burwell Threatens the Lives of Millions of Children.”

And DNC mouthpieces like Think Progress are by no means the only purveyors of such balderdash. The nominally independent Slate warns that “9,800 additional Americans will die each year” if the Court rules against the Obama administration. Even relatively respectable publications have joined this chorus. The Hill posted a story last Friday titled, “King v. Burwell will decide the Fate of Millions,” whose author solemnly warns that “the wrong outcome” would put “American lives in peril” and “erode some of the largest coverage expansions in decades.”

At this point, one might expect a rebuttal of these factual claims. Some kind of argument, perhaps, explaining why the troofer reading of the ACA doesn’t threaten CHIP or how being denied access to medical care doesn’t actually have bad consequences for one’s health. But he’s got nothing; he just moves on. There are just some words like “screed” and “balderdash” and “nominally independent,” accusing people who make factual arguments about the consequences of the latest anti-ACA lawsuit of being biased without even beginning to explain why they’re wrong. The logic seems to be something like this: 1)the consequences of 5 members of the Supreme Court buying the arguments of the ACA troofers would be monstrous; 2)we’re not monsters; 3)ergo, they must be inaccurate. Sorry, but if the shoe fits…

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