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Red Scares, Old And New


De Blasio wins in an actual landslide. Oddly, specious red-baiting may be not be the most effective campaign tactic in 2013.

As a bonus, the National Review combines nutty contemporary arguments with nutty historical ones:

This reminded me of Pierre Trudeau, of whom it has been said, “It tells you everything that he honeymooned in the Soviet Union”…

Here is an uncomfortable question, liable to be damned as McCarthyite by those who don’t want to address it: If the likes of Trudeau and de Blasio were born under Communist dictatorship, what would they do in their adult lives?

Huh, I had no idea that British Columbia had been annexed by the Soviet Union. Amazing how easily we were able to get across the border on those childhood trips.

My question: if Nordlinger thinks that de Blasio is going to impose a Stalinist dictatorship on New York City, why doesn’t he move to Dothan or Tunica? He’ll avoid being sent to the gulag and be closer to the miracles of Republican governance.

…I shall leave this Jonah Goldberg flatulence without comment:

He violated the ban on travel to Cuba for his honeymoon with his formerly gay wife…

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