Dick and John
Can it be that hard to make up plausible lies?
Addressing the National Prayer Breakast, Cheney said: “Thank you. Thank you very much. Congressman Watts, Senator Edwards, friends from across America and distinguished visitors to our country from all over the world, Lynne and I honored to be with you all this morning.” [FDCH Political Transcripts, Cheney Remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast, 2/1/01]
Senator Edwards Escorted Elizabeth Dole When She Was Sworn In As North Carolina’s Other Senator. Elizabeth Dole was sworn in as North Carolina’s other senator on January 8, 2003. Gannet News Service wrote: “As per Senate tradition, Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C., escorted her.”
Dole Took The Senate Oath Administered By Vice President Dick Cheney. According to Gannet News Service: “[Dole] raised her right hand and took the oath administered by Vice President Dick Cheney, the Senate president.” [Gannet News Service, 1/8/03]
Here’s a artist’s rendition of their meeting, known in some circles as a “photograph”.
Then again, it’s about as plausible as Cheney’s repeated Iraq-Al Qaeda lines.
Overall? I thought it was pretty close to a draw. Cheney demonstrated that you can get through these things by not drooling on yourself. Too bad he’s not at the top of the ticket. Edwards demonstrated that there’s more to debating that charisma; Kerry reportedly beat him at every Democratic debate. Strangely, I seem to have a soft spot for Cheney, the same one I have for Emperor Palpatine, or, say, Satan in Paradise Lost.