Make sure to catch a special Saturday Howler, as Somerby catches Maureen Dowd dead to rights making up the “Who among us doesn’t like NASCAR?” Kerry “quote”, which needless to say was flogged over and over again in the Times. (It’s almost as bad a having claimed to invent the internet!) Yep, that liberal media sure is in the tank for Kerry! Well, at least Carl Cameron knows who to call if he need a vacation.
Somerby also does a good job dismantling the latest defense of media whorisim, in which Kerry mentioning something gives unlimited license for other people to make stuff up about Kerry on the said subject and for the media to report it. Hey, once Kerry–unusually for a politician!–mentioned his Vietnam service, he could hardly complain when people started smearing him with baldfaced lies, now could he?
And is there a more overrated liberal columnist than Frank Rich?
UPDATE: Uggabugga has more.