J.D. Salinger
J.D. Salinger’s son has announced that his father has died.
I’m not familiar with most of Salinger’s work, but I recently had a striking experience with The Catcher in the Rye. I read it in college and hadn’t looked at it in 25 years when I picked up while browsing in a bookstore. I read the first two chapters while standing there, and I had the distinct and rather unnerving impression that I could remember having read every sentence practically word for word. It was sort of like being transformed into the Rainman character or Borges’ Funes the Memorious. (link is to original; can’t find an English translation on the web).
added by davenoon:
R.I.P. Salinger.
I’m not sure what the Farley twins are reading these days, but Audrey and Imogen are clearly preparing to take on regular blogging duties in the near future…