The UK Sends Fascists to Brussels/Strasbourg; Sweden Responds With Pirates.
This does not surprise me in the least. It’s been well known in the pol sci lit that the EU Parliament is best considered a “second order” election since the 90s (which is a fancy way of saying the EU Parliament is a largely powerless body devoid of meaning or purpose, so voters see fit to have all manner of fun with the process). As such we will see a general protest vote against sitting governments as well as a shift from larger established parties to smaller, more radical (left or right) parties (very good paper by Marsh here). What did surprise me is the general shift to the right across the entire EU, regardless of the ideological proclivities of the sitting government. The right of center parties held their own in Germany and France, both governed by such (to be fair, Germany is in the midst of a Grand Coalition, but the Social Democrats are the junior partner, and they did get hammered. Sarkozy’s party in France actually had the plurality of votes in the EUP election, which cuts against the grain).