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Which Republican Governor is the Biggest Asshat?


Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s time for everyone’s favorite game–“Which Republican Governor is the Biggest Asshat?” I’m your host, Erik Loomis, and today, we are going to tour the nation visiting our favorite Republican asshat governors. Vote early and often!

Behind Door A, we have one Scott Walker of Wisconsin:

While Wisconsin Gov, Scott Walker (R) fights to keep his job in a recall election scheduled for June, he is being forced to confront a harsh reality in his state: It lost more jobs during the past 12 months than any other state in the United States.

Wisconsin lost 23,900 jobs between March 2011 and March 2012, according to data released Tuesday by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. The state’s lead in job losses is significantly greater than the rest of the 50 states: No other state lost more than 3,500 jobs.

The majority of the losses in Wisconsin, 17,800, were in the public sector. However, the state lost more private-sector jobs, 6,100, than any other state. The only other states to report private-sector job losses in the same time period (instead of private-sector gains) were Mississippi and Rhode Island.

Walker gets the vote of Angela Merkel and David Cameron.

Behind Door B: Rick Scott of Florida!

Timing has not been on Gov. Rick Scott’s side lately.

Earlier this week, I pointed out that the governor eliminated $1.5 million in state funds for 30 rape crisis centers across the state during Sexual Assault Awareness Month. A day after that news began to spread, Scott attended an awards ceremony at the Capitol for National Crime Victims’ Rights Week.

Among those who received an award that day: Nicole Bishop, the director of Palm Beach County Victim Services, which was one of the rape crisis centers that lost funding due to Scott’s veto.

“I thought it was unfortunate,” Bishop says. “Those funds were definitely needed.”

And behind Door C: A cliff in which to dive into a sea of lava!!

I know how I’m voting….

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