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White Saviors


Since last week I dared suggest that there could be problems with white people running around the world saving brown people from themselves and was thereby proven to be objectively in favor of white slavery, I might as well continue in my nefarious ways by linking with a good measure of approval to Teju Cole’s piece in the Atlantic suggesting that Americans have a white savior complex that constructs an developing world whose sole purpose is to fulfill “the sentimental needs—of white people and Oprah.”


One song we hear too often is the one in which Africa serves as a backdrop for white fantasies of conquest and heroism. From the colonial project to Out of Africa to The Constant Gardener and Kony 2012, Africa has provided a space onto which white egos can conveniently be projected. It is a liberated space in which the usual rules do not apply: a nobody from America or Europe can go to Africa and become a godlike savior or, at the very least, have his or her emotional needs satisfied. Many have done it under the banner of “making a difference.”

Does Cole think that Americans should ignore Africa altogether? Of course not. Rather:

How, for example, could a well-meaning American “help” a place like Uganda today? It begins, I believe, with some humility with regards to the people in those places. It begins with some respect for the agency of the people of Uganda in their own lives. A great deal of work had been done, and continues to be done, by Ugandans to improve their own country, and ignorant comments (I’ve seen many) about how “we have to save them because they can’t save themselves” can’t change that fact.

Or we could think about how American foreign policy effects people in Africa, Asia, and Latin America:

Let us begin our activism right here: with the money-driven villainy at the heart of American foreign policy. To do this would be to give up the illusion that the sentimental need to “make a difference” trumps all other considerations. What innocent heroes don’t always understand is that they play a useful role for people who have much more cynical motives. The White Savior Industrial Complex is a valve for releasing the unbearable pressures that build in a system built on pillage. We can participate in the economic destruction of Haiti over long years, but when the earthquake strikes it feels good to send $10 each to the rescue fund. I have no opposition, in principle, to such donations (I frequently make them myself), but we must do such things only with awareness of what else is involved. If we are going to interfere in the lives of others, a little due diligence is a minimum requirement.

But it’s easier to feel good about Nick Kristof flying in to buy a single prostitute out of sex slavery.

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