Border Wall and Animals
While the border wall does virtually nothing to halt human activity on the border and absolutely nothing to limit the drug trade, it does have massive negative impacts on many animals. Given the lack of environmental protection in Mexico, there are several species that may need to continue migrating across the border into the United States in order to survive. According to Defenders of Wildlife, these are the species negatively impacted by the border wall:
Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy Owl
California brown pelican
California least tern
Chiricahua leopard frog
Desert tortoise
Elegant trogan
Flat-tailed horned lizard
Huachuca water umbel
Kearny’s Bluestar
Least Bell’s vireo
Lesser long-nosed bat
Light-footed clapper rail
Masked bobwhite quail
Mexican gray wolf
Mexican spotted owl
Sonoran chub
Sonoran pronghorn
Yellow billed cuckoo
It would speak highly of Americans if we didn’t let our racism get in the way of both hurting human beings and dooming other species. Sadly, no.