A Man With the Courage to Tell it Like it Is: That Everything is Just Fine!
I assume that most interested parties are already reading Paul’s other blog, but this gem he unearthed from Ken Gormley’s shameless op-ed in defense of contemporary legal education is too good for me to pass up:
Duquesne Law School graduates hold positions that include president of the Pittsburgh Steelers, president of Consol Energy and the chief financial officer of U.S. Steel.
Omitted, for reasons that will quickly become evident, is the name of this boldfaced Horatio Alger story: Art Rooney II. Yes, an extremely expensive degree from a mid-tier law school, and you too can become president of a valuable NFL franchise! Provided, of course, that your father or grandfather has owned the team since the Roosevelt administration.
UPDATE: Gromley has identified a moral sage who can explain what it means for people to use a law degree to engage in public service:
More than 1,200 people gathered in the A.J. Palumbo Center on the Duquesne campus to hear Justice Scalia, the longest-serving member of the high court, make the point that “law is only a remedy for human failings.”
“The Rule of Law is second only to the Rule of Love,” he said in his 20-plus minutes at the podium. “The here and now is less important than the hereafter.”
That explains a lot about Mr. “Executing innocent people does not raise constitutional problems.” I note again that criticisms of Scalia based on the idea that he’s some coldhearted formalist unwilling to consider the consequences of his rulings give him way too much credit.